
JustMiest | 2016-04-05 12:18

4月5日消息,LG G5国行版将在今天正式发布,而国际版的LG G5其实在3月31日就已经正式上架发售。手机的首销往往意味着这款新品将受到不少的拆解、虐机等实验的考察。一向以“虐机”闻名的 Jerry 在进行拆解时发现 G5 机身上貌似使用了塑料金属混合而不是全金属机身,而就这个问题,LG 官方很快的做出了回应,原文如下:

What you're seeing there is primer, not a plastic cover. As you know, primer is used to get paint to bond to aluminum, which is what we used for the G5's body. The aluminum alloy we sourced is known as LM201b (patent pending) and was developed at the Korea Institute of Industrial Technology for use in automobiles and aircraft. LM201b, unlike the aluminum used in other smartphones, is diecast unibody which makes it very sturdy while still maintaining lightweight properties. We figured out a way to integrate the antenna bands into the aluminum seamlessly so you can't feel the lines and covered the LM201b with primer and paint using a process called microdizing which means that tiny particles of metal are infused in the coating and bonded to the aluminum. I think it's incorrect to say that a product isn't all metal if paint is involved. That's like saying cars and airplanes aren't metal because they're also painted. For the record, even metal that's anodized will scratch off. Our process may be different but it achieved what we were aiming for, which is a smooth, seamless metal finish that's durable and lightweight. We weren't interested in doing what has already been done. When did this become a bad thing?

原文大概的疑似就是,LG G5的金属机身由底漆+航空铝金属一体成型,而这一外壳的金属铝是LG 即将申请专利的LM201b。LM201b在韩国主要用于飞机以及汽车制造业。经过处理后的金属机身非常坚固轻盈,同时LG找到了特殊的方法将天线无缝融合在铝制金属机身上。如果说LG G5的金属机身不算是金属机身的话,那么全球使用这种压铸技术生成的飞机以及汽车等产品都不能说是金属机身了。在 G5 身上实现了平滑无缝的金属机身,并且保证了坚固耐用和轻量化,这难道是是件坏事吗?

也就是说,LG G5的金属机身不仅仅只是金属机身那么简单,也肯定不是三段式的所谓金属机身。G5的铝制机身有着LG自家研发的技术在里面,同时可以确保G5用的就是金属机身,喜欢的赶紧买买买吧!



相关标签: lg lg g5 g5